Great Value Tree/Stump Removal & Maintenance in Brisbane


hedge tree trimming

What are the Benefits of Trimming, Shaping & Correct Pruning Trees & Plants?

Planting trees and plants is a long-term investment into the beauty of the environment. Correctly trimming, pruning and shaping trees & plants is essentially a way to make them look a lot prettier.

Planting trees and plants is a long-term investment into the beauty of the environment. Correctly trimming, pruning and shaping trees & plants is essentially a way to make them look a lot prettier; however, there are some other reasons why trimming, pruning and shaping is important.

When establishing a garden, the selective trimming, pruning and shaping of trees & plants can help train the plant to grow properly. It may be necessary to restrict the growth of the tree in some areas, so pruning can add to this helping to in develop a thicker, denser tree with less height. Alternatively, the selective pruning of the appropriate branches can encourage trees to mature with a stronger branch structure. This is particularly important for large trees as weak or damaged branches pose a safety risk, in which case they need to be attended to immediately.

Pruning trees is required for the plants health, though it must to be done correctly as to avoid damaging and weakening the tree. Pruning larger trees also helps to provide a little more sunlight to help plants, shrubs and ground cover underneath to it grow & remain healthy. However, be careful when pruning the more mature trees, it should be limited to the lower branches that can be reached from ground height, anything above this height these needs to be done by a professional company such as A-Local Tree Service.

Trimming and pruning trees & plants also helps to improve the quality of fruit, flowers, foliage & stems. Trimming and de-budding fruit trees in its first year of flowering will help to increase the abundance fruit when it flowers in the coming years. It is important to maintain plant health with the removal of old flowers or dead branches to promote new growth and development.

Having a beautiful garden comes with regularly maintaining plants, trees and shrubs, this continuous process of pruning will help to add value to your home, and have a safe and beautiful area to enjoy. So don’t you get outdoors and enjoy your garden, and make a plan to get it into shape.

Do you require help with Trimming, Shaping & Correct Pruning Trees & Plants? Then contact A-local Tree Service for a free quote – Call now on (07) 3285 1711, email, or just fill out this form & we will get back to you shortly.

A-Local Tree Service is also qualified to offer consultation on pruning, trimming or any other needs your remaining trees may have. On top of that, we can also help you with – Tree Removal, Tree Pruning, Tree Thinning, Mulching, Vegetation Management as well as 24hr Emergency Tree Services.